How to Create Space Off the Dribble in Basketball

How to Create Space Off the Dribble in Basketball

How to create space off the dribble in basketball

How to create space off the dribble in basketball

Knowing how to create space off the dribble in basketball can take you places on the basketball court, and in turn basketball can take you places – such as college, playing pro overseas or even possibly the NBA.  But before you can achieve those dreams you must first know how to create space off the dribble in basketball no matter what your size, especially in today’s game.

How to Create Space Off the Dribble in Basketball – Ball & Body Control

For starters you must have good ball control and body control if you want to do anything off the dribble in basketball.  Check out some of what I consider the best ball handling drills to start building ball and body control.  These drills are slightly difficult and only focus on stationary drills, but with time you can get them down, and you’ll need the ability to dribble the ball while stationary in a variety of ways with ease before you try running around like crazy.  In the near future I’ll have some ball handling programs in the Snake Skills Academy that will focus on beginner ball handling drills, basic dribbling mechanics, advanced ball handling drills.

Once you are comfortable at these stationary drills, you’ll need to improve your ability to dribble on the move, to do this I’d recommend you get my Ultimate Breakdown Moves program which is available in the Snake Skills Academy right now.  You won’t find a better program with highly effective game moves and combinations and tips that show you how to create space off the dribble in basketball.

How to Create Space Off the Dribble in Basketball – Reading Defender

Knowing how to read your defender is crucial if you want to be able to create space off the dribble.  If you don’t pay attention to indicators on how your defender is playing you, then you’re going to have a much harder time creating space off the dribble.  I give many detailed tips and secrets on how to read your defender in my Ultimate Breakdown Moves Program which is available in the Snake Skills Academy.  If you want to get a basic start at learning how to create space off the dribble in the basketball you should check out my free Breakdown Moves tutorials, and when you’re ready to really do damage to defenders, be sure to get Ultimate Breakdown Moves which features over an hour of footage, 15 tips and secrets, and 25 moves.


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